Celebration of National Youth Day on 12/01/2025

Department of Posts DO Letter D.O. No. 1-5/2021-MD Dated 07th January, 2025

Veena R. Srinivas
Member (Infrastructure)
Postal Services Board Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001

As you are aware, National Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12th January which commemorates the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a significant occasion to inspire the younger generation to engage with various platforms that can contribute to their development and future prospects.

2. In view of this, it is proposed to organize Dak Chaupals on 11th January, with the aim of creating awareness about the products and services of the Department of Posts. The objective is to provide practical knowledge and motivate the youth to take proactive steps in securing their financial independence and career development from an early age.

3. Dak Chaupals provide an effective platform for engaging young scholars in an interactive, community-based setting to raise awareness about key financial tools like the Public Provident Fund (PPF), Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), and Mahila Samman Saving Certificate (MSSC). Additionally, they offer an opportunity to educate young entrepreneurs about leveraging Post Office services, such as India Post Parcel and Dak Ghar Niryat Kendra, to explore e-commerce and export possibilities, fostering new avenues for business growth.

4. Additionally, the Dak Chaupals can be utilized for creating awareness about the MyBharat Portal and encouraging youth to explore the various internship opportunities available. By organizing the Dak Chaupals, the youth can be guided, especially those in rural and semi-rural areas, in understanding how to utilize the portal to gain hands on experience at various government organisations.

5. To amplify the impact of this campaign, all Circles are requested to upload pictures of the Dak Chaupal events to social media platforms using the hashtags #YuvaBharatSamarth Bharat. It is also requested to share the good quality pictures with Marketing Division through email at mktdiv.dop@gmail.com

6. I kindly request your support in organizing and facilitating these Dak Chaupals across your jurisdiction. Your cooperation will be instrumental in making this initiative successful. It will also be a meaningful step in celebrating the contributions of our youth while creating pathways for their future endeavours.

All HoCs
(Veena R Srinivas)

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