à¤ारत सरकार/ Govt. of India
संचार मंत्रालय / Ministry of Communications
à¤ारतीय डाक विà¤ाग / Department of Posts
कार्यालय मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल हि० प्र० परिमंडल, शिमला -171009 0/0 Chief Postmaster General, H.P. Circle, Shimla-171009
Memo No: R&E/77-42/2022 Dated: 03.01.2025
The competent authority is pleased to provisionally declare the result of direct recruitment to the post of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade), General Central Service, Group-C, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, in respect of Himachal Pradesh Circle against recruitment notification No. R&E/77- 42/2022 dated 09.08.2023, based on the performance of the candidates in Stage I and Stage II examination/tests held on 17-03-2024 & 11.12.2024 respectively and on the basis of recommendation of Departmental selection Committee (DSC).
2. Vacancies: As per Notification No. R&E/77-42/2022 dated 09.08.2023, the Category-wise break up of final vacancies is as under:-
Total 03
3. The list of the successful selected candidates is as under:-
List of selected candidates in the Examination of Direct Recruitment of Staff Car Drivers (Ordinary Grade) held on 17.03.2024 (Stage-1) and 11.12.2024 (Stage-II)
Please refer the images
3.1. One vacancy under OBC category remained unfilled due to non-availability of sufficient number of qualified candidate under OBC category.
4. Allotment of selected candidates has been done to the Divisions/Units. The concerned Divisional Heads who are the appointing authorities of the staff car drivers in the ordinary grade will take further necessary action and Issue provisional offer of appointments to the selected candidates. Regular appointment orders should be issued only after observing the pre appointment formalities as per rules and instructions on the subject.
5. The information regarding the names of the candidates, categories, post-categories, and dates of birth has been shown based on the details furnished by the candidates in application forms. In case of any errors in the candidates' details, the same must be intimated to this office for necessary action.
6. If it is subsequently found that any selected candidate was ineligible for the examination/selection under the existing rules/instructions or for any other reason, or if any error is found in the declaration of results, their name will be removed from the list of successful candidates. This result is also subject to any changes in the merit list due to unforeseen circumstances, as per the existing rules and instructions on the subject.
7. The present selection is provisional and subject to the verification of community certificates (if applicable), educational qualification certificates, character and antecedents & other relevant documents etc. If the verification reveals that the claim of a candidate belonging to EWS/SC/ST/OBC-Non-Creamy Layer (if applicable) is false, their services will be terminated immediately without further explanation.
8. The selection is also subject to the condition that, if it is later found that a selected candidate was not eligible to take the examination/test under the existing rules or instructions, or if any mistake is found in the announcement of the result whatsoever may be, their name will be removed from the selection list.
9. Requests for the revised allotment of any candidate will not be entertained.
सहायक निदेशक (स्टाफ), Assistant Director (Staff), हिमाचल प्रदेश परिमंडल, शिमला-9.
H.P. Circle, Shimla-9.
Copy issued for information and necessary action to :-
1. The General Manager, CEPT, Mysuru-570010 for uploading this result on the official website of India Post for wide publicity and information of all concerned.
2. SPOs Dehra and SPOS Solan for information and necessary action.
3. The ADG(DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
4. In-charge, R&E Section, Circle Office, Shimla-9.
5. ASP (technology), Circle Office, Shimla for uploading the same on the official website of HP Circle for wide publicity and information of all concerned.
6. SS(O&M), Circle Office, Shimla for displaying the result on the notice board of Circle Office.
7. Office Copy.
सहायक निदेशक (स्टाफ), Assistant Director (Staff), हिमाचल प्रदेश परिमंडल, सिमता-9.
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