Duties of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) in Post Office

Redesignating erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees as Multi Tasking Staff Group ‘C’ and their revised duties.

In accordance with the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, and the Department of Posts' OMs dated 30th April 2010 and 24th September 2010, the erstwhile Central Secretariat Group 'D' employees in the Postal Dte. cadre will now be designated as Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C'.

The duties assigned to Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C' include:
- Maintenance of records and registers
- Preparing and submitting reports and indents
- Photocopying, faxing, and delivery of documents
- Watch and ward duties, cleanliness, and upkeep of the office
- Non-clerical work, driving (if licensed), and sale of postage stamps/stationery
- Assistance in booking and dispatch of mail, scanning, and customer enquiries

These duties are illustrative and not exhaustive, and additional tasks may be assigned by superior authorities as needed.

No. 11-1/2010-Admn
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated – 18.11.2010

Subject: - Redesignating erstwhile Group 'D' employees as Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C' and their revised duties.
In pursuance to Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Department of Personnel & Training OM NO. AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR) dated 30th April 2010 and O.M. No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 24th September 2010 of Department of Posts, the designation of erstwhile Central Secretariat Group 'D' employees on the cadre of Postal Dte. Will henceforth be designated as Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C' in the Secretariat.

The following duties have been prescribed for the Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C':-

(a) Maintenance of diary/dispatch/Movement Registers including entry in computer and physical maintenance of records.

(b) Submission of periodical statements of routine nature like absentee statement, etc.

(c) Preparation and submission of indents with the approval of Supervisor

(d) Photocopying and sending of fax messages.

(e) Delivery of Dak within and outside the building

(f) Watch and ward/caretaker duties, opening and closing of rooms, generate cleanliness and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture cleaning of building, rooms, fixtures; upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants, etc.

(g) Other non-clerical work in the section/unit

(h) Driving of vehicles, if in possession of valid driving license

(i) Sale of Postage Stamps/Stationery, Assistance in booking of Registered/parcel and Speed Post Articles, Receipt and Dispatch of mails including preparation of Mail/Registered/parcel lists, Preparation of delivery lists for registered articles/Money Orders.

(j) Scanning of Speed Post Bags/Articles and its uploading on the speed net or any other software dealing with the processing of Speed Post articles or similar other activity.

(k) Assistance in sorting of mails, exchange of mail, Letter box clearance, etc.

(l) Handling customer enquiries.

The additional duties assigned to such Multi Tasking Staff Group 'C' are only illustrative and not exhaustive. Any other duty/duties may also be assigned to them by the Superior authority.

(Bhagwan Dass)
Assistant Director General (Admn.)


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