National Association of Postal Employees Group C (Central Head Quarters)
No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atual Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001 Phone: 01123350103,
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi
No. NAPE/23-2024 dated at New Delhi the 24-07-2024
Respected Madam,
Subject: Strengthening the office of Operative Offices- Reg.
The Member(personal), Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information and necessary action.

It is to bring the following field level difficulties due to attachment of PAs of Operative Offices for different purposes without creating the staff strength separating the services of the Postal Assistants for different purposes out of operative offices time to time
1. On an average 2 to 3 PAs have been utilized for this purpose exclusively,sparing from the sanctioned PA strength either at HOS or Dos as System Administrators
2. It has been request for sanction of Posts to PLI CPCs. But services of PAs have been exclusively utilized at HO Level and DO Level CPCs from the sanctioned strength of HOS only consequent on decentralization.
3. Some PAs were identified as Marketing Executives Exclusively from the Cadre Strength of PAs only.
4. Recently One PA /LSG per Division/HO is exclusively spared as PLI Development Officer that too within cadre strength of PAs
5. Some were deputed to IPPB from PA Cadre.
6. PAs have been deputed to Regional Offices, Circle Offices, CBS CPCs at Regional/Circle Level.
7. PAs have been deputed to Work Place Training Centers at Divisional Level, Regional Level and Circle Level and at PTCs also.
8. PAs have been deputed to Divisional Offices from Head Post Offices in many cases beyond the sanctioned strength of DO. In-fact Divisional Offices/Administrative offices are running with better staff strength than the Operative Offices where there will more services related to public Interests.
9. Many Number of HSG II, HSG 1 vacancies are lying vacant in Circles. All those vacancies have been managed by PA Cadre.
10. In the recent past 2 PAs were attached to MMU Units in each division.
The assignments like accounts opening, IPPB Accounts nurturing, AEPS, PLI/RPLI Business have been placed on PA Cadre Strength/Operative staff exclusively.
Already the HOS/SOS are running with 50 to 60 percent of working strength only that too facing the swords of pressure of completing assigned targets and contributory negligence in cases of incidents, happening to this cadre only. This is resulting in increase in mis-appropriation and frauds.
In this connection it is to request for increase of Sanction Strength of PAs whose services are being utilized exclusively beyond the sanctioned establishments for Passport Centers, NDCs, System Administrators, Development Officers, Marketing Executives, CPCs, Attachment to Sub Divisional Heads etc.
Thanking you Madam,
Yours faithfully,
(Vasireddy Sivaji)
General Secretary
Copy to:The Member(personal), Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 for information and necessary action.

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