AIASC (Gr. B) writes to the Hon'ble Secretary (Posts), New Delhi regarding Time Scale post of Accountant to trained Accountant (LSG Cadre) in all Head Post Offices
आल इंडिया एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ सुपरवाइजर केडर (ग्रुप बी) All India Association of Supervisor Cadre (Gr. B)
केंद्रीय मुख्यालय / Central Head Quarter
Balveer Singh
Narinder Pal General Secretary
Sanjay Talukdar Treasurer 9830894484
By Regd/email
The Hon'ble Secretary (Posts),
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
No. AIASC CHQ-85/2024 Dated at Pathankot SO the 27.10.2024
Sub: - Regarding upgrading the Time Scale posts of Accountant to trained Accountant (LSG) in all Head Post Offices
Ref: DTE File No. 25-04/2012-PE-I (Vol.II) dated 10.11.2017
Respected Mam,
With reference to subject, this association is brought to the kind notice of the Hon'ble Directorate that it hard needs to upgrade the Time Scale posts of Accountant to Accountant (LSG) in all Head Post Offices.
2. As per para No. 4.1 (vii) of above referred letter, "Accountants are Postal Assistants only who have passed the PO & RMS Accountants examination. They are eligible for promotion as per Recruitment Rules. Norm based LSG Accountants can be upgraded to HSG-II within the number of posts allotted to the circle”. In this regard, it is very important to mention that nowadays, no Postal Assistant is interested to write the PO & RMS Accountants examination as there is no financial benefits.
3. Since, the role of Accountant is vast & vital in the department, so the post of Accountant is justified to upgrade for LSG cadre keeping in view of responsibilities. Maintaining GL codes, pay fixation, pension calculation, service book, addition quantum of enhancement of pension, GST, TDS, Income Tax, bank reconciliation, cash account, etc. Moreover, there is lack of a trained force in accounts line, resultant DDO has to face unnecessarily litigation summons from GST office or Income Tax, etc. and the department has to pay unnecessarily charges.
4. Hence, keeping in view above challenges in day to day works of Head Post Offices in accounts line, it is prayed & proposed that: -
(a) A special training module and refresher courses may kindly be imparted at PTCs for Accountant & DDO.
(b) The post of Accountant may kindly be upgraded to LSG cadre in view of responsibilities.
With profound regards,
Copy to:
1. The Hon'ble D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
2. The Member (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
3. The DDG (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
4. The Director (Estt), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
5. The Director (Training), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
Camp at: Sub Postmaster (HSG-I), Pathankot MDG, Punjab, PIN-145001 Website -, Email:

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