PO-27/5/2024-Postal Operation-DOP
Government of India Ministry of Communication Department of Posts
(PO Division)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
Dated: 09 October, 2024.
Sub: Discontinuation of manual receipt MS87 (A) for booking of EMO at Branch Post Offices.
2.Please refer to the above mentioned subject.
In this regard, General Secretary, FNPO, National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks (NUGDS) vide letter dated 11.09.2024 (copy enclosed) has requested to discontinue the manual receipt MS87 (A) for booking of EMO at Branch Post Offices.
3.As per the ibid letter, it is stated that EMO bookings are done both manually as well as on device. Since, the EMOS booking details reaches Account Offices within few hours of payment, manual receipts of EMO forms should be discontinued as they are merely filed in Account Offices.
4. In this regard, it is therefore requested to check the feasibility of discontinuing the manual receipt MS87(A) for booking of EMO at Branch Post Offices and furnish your comments in this regard to this division.
Encl.: As above.
All the Chief Postmasters General.
(Prasenjit Chatarji)
Assistant Director General (PO) sopo@indiapost.gov.in

GDS Section
Dy. No. 1497
Date... 2019/24
National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks
Central Head Quarters
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110 001, Ph: 011 23321378, 09446436592
NUGDS/BO Estt/September-24
The Secretary,
Department of Post,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi.
GDS Section
Dy. No. 1497
Date... 2019/24
National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks
Central Head Quarters
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110 001, Ph: 011 23321378, 09446436592
NUGDS/BO Estt/September-24
The Secretary,
Department of Post,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi.
Respected Madam,
Sub:Discontinution of manual receipt MS87 (A) for booking of EMO at Branch Post Offices.
The entire BOS India are working on android hand device. Besides the day today business using hand devices (Article booking, CBS, PLI, RPLI, VPMO booking, COD etc) some manual items of work are being done. One of them was RPLI, PLI premium collection, indexing etc. But as per Memo. F No 30-1/2021-LI dated 07.04.2021, the manual issue of receipts in connection with RPLI, PLI transactions has been dispensed with. Now this is done on device only. Due to this, the performance of BOS has become more convenient, and the RPLI, PLI data of BOS are being received at Account Office and CPC direct.
Lik wise, VPMOs are being booked in BOS in Deivce following the procedure for EMO booking. EMO booking is done both manually and on device which is technically not necessary since the EMOS booked are reached Account office or offices of payment within a few hours. EMO forms sent to Account office are merely filed there. This can be continued.
Due to the above facts, the issue of MS 87(A) receipts in BOs may be ordered to be dispensed with, early and necessary orders issued to the effect.
Copy to
1. DDG (Estt), Department of Post.
Copy to
1. DDG (Estt), Department of Post.
2. ADG, GDS, Department of Post.
Yours Sincerely,
P.U. Muraleedharan General Secretary
Yours Sincerely,
P.U. Muraleedharan General Secretary
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