Constitution of Committees for Business Process Re-engineering for POSB operations in Department of Posts

Government of lndia
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Financial Services Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 05.11.2024
Subject: Constitution of Committees for Business Process Re-engineering for POSB operations.

As per the approval of the competent authority, to carry out Business Process Re-engineering for POSB operations, the following committees are formed.

1.Committee for identification of Requirements for Ease of Operations and Enhancement of Customer Experience (Committee on EOCE) : The committee will be responsible for reviewing the existing POSB operations, SOPs, workflow, use of technology, survey and will recommend changes and improvements to improve business process. The composition of the committee is as under:

i. Sh. Sandesh M, Director, Karnataka Circle-Chairperson
ii. Sh. T C Vrjayan, Assistant Director, CPRC-Convener
iii. Sh. Manjunada Rao, Assistant Director, PTC Mysore
iv. Sh. Amit Thakur, Senior Postmaster, Ramesh Nagar HO, Delhi Circle
v. Himanshu Shukla, ASP Lucknow Division, Uttar Pradesh Circle
vi. Sh. Selva Kumar, ASP, RO Chennai City, Tamilnadu Circle
vii. Sh. Shailesh Seth(HSG-l), Saraswati Vihar Post Office, Delhi Circle
viii. Sh. Rajendran, Supervisor (HSG-Il) SBCO, Dindigul HO, Tamilnadu Circle
ix. Sh. Dhananchezhian, (LSG-PA, Pondicherry Division, Tamilnadu Circle
x. Ms Gayathri, PA, SBCO, RO, CCR, Chennai, Tamilnadu Circle
xi. Postal Assistant Working on POSB counter-2
xii. Branch Postmasters-2
xiii. Any other member(s) as desired by committee

Terms of Reference (TOR)
i. To Conduct a detailed review of existing procedures and workflows related to POSB operations, identifying gaps, redundancies, and deficiencies

ii. To gather and analyze customer feedback through limited surveys, interviews, and other channels to understand their experiences and identify areas for improvement

iii. To conduct interaction with stakeholders to identify areas of improvements 

iv. Based on the findings from the review, analysis, and feedback, provide specific recommendations for improving POSB operations in terms of operational efficiency, simplification of procedures, changes in Standing Operating

Procedures, enhanced customer experience, elimination of redundancies, new technological requirements and other best industry practice

2. Committee on Business Process Re-engineering (Committee on BPR):

The committee will be responsible for overall BPR activity and ensure alignment of the BPR initiative with the overall vision Department as well as customer expectations.

The composition of the committee is as under:

i. Ms. Moona Yasmin, Director (FS), Postal Directorate- chairperson
ii. Sh. Ajinkya Kale, Director, Maharashtra Circle
iii. Sh. Alexin George, Director, Kerala Circle
iv. Ms. Shivani Sharma, ADG (Accounts), PAF
v. Sh. Devendra Sharma, APMG (Vigilance), Rajasthan Circle
vi. Sh. T C Vijayan, Assistant Director, CPRC Chennai
vii. Sh. Devender Kumar Sharma, Assistant Director (SB-ll)- Convener
viii. Ms. Deepti Sharma, AO, Postal Account Office, Delhi
ix. Sh. Mohammad lqbal, ASP(CBS), Postal Directorate
x. Sh. Sanjeev Chawla, Supervisor SBCO, FS Division, Postal Directorate

Term of Reference (TOR)

To review the existing work-flow -As-/S processes, based on the inputs received from the Committee on EOCE.

i. To conduct a study to understand the best practices in Banking industry w.r.t Savings Banks and related processes

iii To suggest changes in the existing procedure related to Post Offico Savings Banks- Tc-be processes.

3. The objectives of BPR in context of Post Office Savings Bank is to:

t. lmprove efficiency: Streamline processes, eliminate redundancy leading to faster anc more effective POSB operations.

Enhance customer satisfaction: Simplifying procedures and leverage technology to improve service delivery and enhance the overall customer experience.

lI. Adapt to changing market dynamic a: Position Post Office Savings Banks to compete effectively in a rapidly evolving banking landscape b,/ offering innovative banking experience and services.

Alignment and Focus: To ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of business goals, process and service delivery standards, enabling them to make informed decisions that contribute to the overall success of the business

4. The Committee on BPR will prepare a List of Activities and Questionnaire for customer survey within a period of next 5 working days and share with Committee on

EOEC. After  Committee on EOCE will conduct a survey(s) of stakeholders to collect views and expectations. Committee on EOCE will submit its finding irs per the TOR and recommendations covering all aspects of POSB operations to Committee on BPR. Subsequently, based on the findings and recommendations so received, the Committee on BPR will submit its final suggestions/recommendations within one months.

5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Gourav Jain
Assistant Director General (CBS)

Copy to
1. CPMGS, Delhi Circle, Tamilnadu Circle, Kerala Circle, Uttar Pradesh Circle, Maharashtra Circle, Rajasthan Circle, Karnataka Circle,
3. DAPs, Delhi
4. All concerned officers/officials
5. Office Copy


Description: Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to help  improve our services. Your feedback is valuable to us.

Section I : Demographics

1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Occupation:

4. How long have you been a customer of the post office savings trank?

Section 2: Overall Satisfaction

5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the post office savings bank's services?

6. How likely are you to recommend the post office savings bank to others?

Section 3: Account Opening and Maintenance

7. How easy was it to open a savings bank account at the post office?

8. How satisfied are you with the account opening process?

9. How ofterr do you receive accurate and timely account statements?

10. How satisfied are you with the fees and charges associated with your account?

Section 4: Transactions and Services

11. How convenient is it to make deposits and withdrawals at the post ofice?

12. How ofien do you experience difiiculties when making transactions?

'13. How satisfied are you with the availability of online and mobile banking services?

14. How easy is it to use the post office's online and mobile banking platforms?

15. How satisfied are you with the speed and reliability of electronic fund transfers (NEFT, RTGS, ECS)?

16. How satisfied are you with the post office's issuance of ATM cards?

Section 5: Customer Support and Grievance Redressal

17. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of the post office's customer support?

18. How satisfied are you with the resolution of your complaints and grievances?

Section 6: Additional Services

19. How satisfied are you with the post office's services for deceased claim cases, frozen accounts, and revival of silent accounts?

20. How aware are you of the TDS and Form 15H/G requirements for your savings bank account?

Section 7: Suggestions and Feedback

21.What do you like most about the post office savings bank?

22.What do you like least about the post office savings bank?

23.What improvements would you like to see in the post office savings bank's services?

24.Are there any additional services or features you would like the post office savings bank to offer?

25. Would you like to provide any feedback or suggestions?

26. ls there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the post office savings bank?

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