Standard of Procedure for officers to get sponsorship for their post offices

Government India
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
(Estates Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001 Dated: 04.12.2024
Subject:- Standard of Procedure for officers to get sponsorship for their post offices - reg

The undersigned is directed to convey that as per the direction of Hon'ble MOC, SOP has to be developed for getting sponsors for maintenance activity which are integral part of the building but do not serve the services directly.

2.While looking for sponsorship certain aspects which need to be identified, defined and clarified including the area of sponsorship, the persons/agencies who can sponsor execution of work and monitoring of the work being sponsored. Standard of Procedure for sponsorship is as under: -

I.Areas which can be sponsored

Following areas can be managed through sponsorship: -
i.Cleanliness of exterior as well as interior of Post Offices.
ii.Maintenance of lawn/garden including the horticulture work.
iii. Maintenance of cycle/vehicle parking both for the staff and visitors.
iv. Lighting of exterior façade of the post office buildings including garden with provision of Genset.

II. Identification of sponsors

Following can be the Potential Sponsors: -
i. Corporate Sector, Nonprofits and Civic Organizations
iii. Reputed Individuals
III.Who cannot be the sponsors
i.The sponsors/agencies who have no antecedents of work Whose source of money is doubtful
ii. The agencies and individuals with criminal background.
iii. The agencies and individuals who are indulged in money laundering

IV. Payments

Payment of charges to executing agency will be made directly by the sponsors through prevailing payments methods like cheque/demand draft/online payments etc. Department of Posts will have no role on payments/charges to executing agencies/individuals.

Department of Posts is not responsible for non-payment/delay in payment to executing agencies by the sponsors.

V. Time Period

VI. Period of sponsorship will be decided by the HoC.

VII. Termination of Sponsorship

Department may terminate the sponsorship at any time, without giving prior notice to the Sponsors if at any point of time, it is found integrity of the sponsors is compromised or he has indulged in any illegal act. Sponsorship may also be terminated by giving three months' notice, if the performance of the sponsor is not found satisfactory. The sponsors may terminate the agreement by giving 03 months prior notice. During the notice period, Sponsors shall continue to fulfil the responsibility for which they are responsible as per the agreement.

How sponsorship sought

Advertisements should be issued for getting sponsorship from potential sponsors through prevailing means. Scope of work as mentioned at Clause I should be furnished in the advertisement.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Agreements must be signed between sponsors and the Department having following clause included. Any other clause the Head of the Circle find appropriate may also be included:

i. Area/scope of sponsorship
ii. Time Period including period for its extension
iii. Termination clause
iv. Benefits to Sponsors
V. Dispute Redressal
vi. Payment schedule
vii. Provision of tripartite agreement between Department of Posts, Sponsors and Executing Agency
viii. Permission to withdraw from sponsorship Undertaking
ix. Benefits to Sponsors
VIII.Sponsors may be incentivized/ Publicly Acknowledged/ making community goodwill and visibility to encourage the sponsoring parties. Recognize sponsors through signage, media coverage, or events. Temporary plaque/depiction of his works in digital display will be made. Share updates and final results with sponsors to maintain transparency. Thank You Initiatives and hosting small inauguration event or send personalized thank-you.


Department will not be responsible for any loss/other uninvited hazard in the ongoing sponsorship period. Sponsors must take into account the privacy and security of the Post Office. Sponsors must give undertaking that the money spent for sponsoring activities is earned from legal sources.

2. Sponsorship and its monitoring

X. Chief PMG concerned may take necessary action for getting sponsorship. Security of the postal building will be the prime concern which Head of the Circle should take into consideration while taking sponsorship. Head of the Divisions should monitor the overall progress of the sponsored activities. The decision of the Head of the Circle will be final, if any disputes arise.

It is requested to take necessary action as per the SoP and disseminate the same to the notice of large public for getting the sponsorship.

3.This is issued with the approval of Secretary (Posts).

The Chief Postmasters General of All Circles
Asherkerne (Asha Sharma)
Assistant Director General (Building)

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