Filling up the Posts of Junior Accountant cadre in the O/o Pr.CCA, TS Circle, Hyderabad, on deputation basis

Government of India Department of Telecommunications
Office of the Pr. Controller of Communication Accounts, TS Circle, Sanchar Lekha Bhawan, Chikkadpally, Hyderabad - 500 020. Tele 040-27639152

Pr.CCA/TS/Admn/Deputation/2022-23 Dated:11.12.2024


Sub: Vacancy circular to fill up the posts of Junior Accountant cadre in the O/o Pr.CCA, TS Circle, Hyderabad, on deputation basis from the officials working in Central Government - reg.

Pr. Controller of Communication Accounts, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad, proposes to fill up following vacant posts on deputation basis from amongst the officials working in Central Government as per the details given below. The level in pay matrix and the number of posts are as follows: -

SNo Name of the Post     Pay Matrix Level     No. of vacancies No. of vacancies(Approx)


1 Junior Accountant     Level 5     (29200- 92300)

The place of posting will be at Hyderabad. The eligibility conditions to apply for the above post are enclosed (Annexure-I)

The above vacancies are subject to change as per requirements of this office. The period of deputation will be initially for a period of three years and further can be extended depending upon the administrative exigencies. Please note that the persons holding post with higher level in the pay matrix on regular basis, should not apply for the above posts.

The terms and conditions of deputation as stipulated in DoP&T OM No.6/8/2009- Estt.(Pay-II) dated 17.6.2010 & OM No.2/6/2016-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 22.04.2016 are applicable. If the selected candidates have been granted financial upgradation/MACP in their cadre, they will not be entitled to deputation duty allowance, but only pay in the upgraded/MACP scale. The age of the applicant shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application.

The format of application is appended (Annexure-II). The applications from the willing and eligible officer/official whose services can be spared immediately may be sent along with attested copies of ACR/APARS for the last three years, integrity certificate and vigilance clearance so as to reach the undersigned on or before 15.01.205 through proper channel. Belated /incomplete applications will be rejected.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Digitally signed by

Kandela Prathima
Date: 11-12-2024 17:27:17
Dy. Controller of Communication Accounts Oo Pr.CCA, TS Circle, Hyderabad

Copy to:
1. The Chief Post Master General, TS, Hyderabad
2. The Chief Post Master General, AP, Hyderabad.
3. The Chief Post Master General, Tamilnadu, Chennai.
4. The Chief Post Master General, Karnataka, Bangalore.
5. The Chief Post Master General, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
6. The Chief Post Master General, MP Circle, Bhopal.
7. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Chennai.
8. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Bengaluru. 
9. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Vijayawada. 
10. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Bhubaneswar. 
11. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Bhopal.
12. The General Manager (Finance), Department of Posts, Raipur.
13. The Director of Accounts (Postal), Hyderabad.
14. The Director of Accounts (Postal), Vijayawada.

Eligibility Criteria

SNo Name of the Post Eligibility Conditions
1. Junior Accountant Officials holding analogous posts in Central/State Govt Depts/Ministries/Autonomous Bodies/PSUs on regular basis or LDC with 5 years of regular service or UDCs with 3 years of regular service.
2. Age The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be 56 years as on the closing date of the receipt of application i.e., 31/12/2024.
3 Knowledge of Computers The applicants should have basic working knowledge of computers in all the modules of MS Office and also the knowledge of internet to send/receive e-mails & use Search Engine.

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