Silent Features of SB Order No 1/2025

eKYC Operations for POSB Accounts

The following eKYC-related operations are permissible:

  • Creation of eKYC CIF: Create new eKYC-enabled Customer Information Files (CIFs).
  • Conversion of Existing CIF to eKYC CIF: Convert existing CIFs to eKYC-enabled CIFs.
  • Modification of eKYC CIF: Make changes to existing eKYC CIFs.

POSB Account Operations

  1. Opening of Single POSB Account: Open single POSB accounts using eKYC for adult customers only.
  2. Conversion of Non-eKYC POSB to eKYC POSB: Convert existing non-eKYC POSB accounts to eKYC-enabled POSB accounts.
  3. Modifications: Make changes to existing eKYC POSB accounts.

Transaction Limits

  1. Deposits: No limit for deposits using eKYC.
  2. Withdrawals: Up to Rs. 5,000/- using eKYC. Beyond this limit, follow the existing maker/checker procedure.

Important Guidelines

  1. Customer Choice: Do not force customers to opt for paperless transactions. Allow them to choose their preferred option.
  2. Verification: Before converting non-eKYC POSB to eKYC POSB, verify the customer's signature and photo using the HACI menu.
  3. Aadhar Details: Ensure that all Aadhar data, including PAN, is fetched and validated before creating an eKYC CIF.
  4. Supervisor Verification: Note that there is no verification concept in the system for supervisors in eKYC scenarios.
  5. Photo Update: If the Aadhar photo is not up-to-date, attach the latest photo to the consent form.
For detailed procedures, refer to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document.

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