No. 08-01/2025-PD Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Parcel Directorate)
Malcha Marg Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021
Dated: 29th Jan, 2024
Subject: Regarding Blacklisting of firm M/s R.R. Gupta and Sons, New Delhi-110008 following Fatal Incident.
This is to bring to the attention of all the concerned that a serious incident that has occurred involving the security service provided by the following company M/s R.R. Gupta and Sons, C-23/21, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 which was hired through GeM by Parcel Directorate.
2. A tragic fire broke out in the security guard hut at Parcel Directorate, Malcha Marg Post Office Complex on the night of 09.01.2025, leading to the unfortunate death of an outsider who was in the vicinity. This incident raises significant concerns about the safety protocols and the overall reliability of the security services provided by the company.
3. Given the gravity of this event and the potential risks posed to the safety and well-being of residents and visitors as per clause 5 of Gem contract GEMC- 511687761021961 dated 26.02.2024, the service of the said Security company has been terminated vide letter no. 05-02/2024-PD dated 10.01.2025 and now as per approval of the competent authority the company i.e. M/s R.R. Gupta and Sons, C- 23/21, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008 is hereby blacklisted with immediate effect. The matter has also been reported to GeM with reguest to blacklist the said company.
4.This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Copy to:
1. All the Chief PMSG, Postal Circle in India
2. CGM (PLI/BD), New Delhi
3. ADG, GA, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
(G.D. Gupta)
Assistant Director (Admin)

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