Phone no:-23697701
ALL INDIA GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS UNION(AIGDSU) Central Head Quarters, Padam Nagar, Delhi-110007.
President: B. Venkateshwarlu.
General Secretary: S. S. Mahadevaiah
NO, GDS/CHQ/106/1/2025
Ms. Vandita Kaul,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001.
Dated: 21-01-2025
Steps to Privatize Postal Services - e-Tender Notice by SSP Lucknow - Protest Against.
Respected Madam,
The Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices, vide his letter No. G-1/Mail/Outsourcing Manpower/22-23, dated 16.01.2025, has issued an e-Tender Notice inviting e-Tenders for outsourcing the operations of delivery of Speed Post/Registered/Parcel articles, sorting of mail work, facing of articles, closing of bags, and other miscellaneous work related to the processing of mail in Post Offices/Branch Post Offices, along with data feeding work in Post Offices, Lucknow. We are forwarding a copy of the e- Tender Notice herewith.
We register our strong protest against such a move and demand that your good self call a halt to this move and order further steps by the SSP Lucknow.
This move is ominous, destructive, and suicidal. If the move is further processed and implemented, all Postmen, MTS, and a large number of PAs would be rendered redundant. This will cut at the very vitals of the department. We very strongly feel that this is a test case and that more such moves are in the offing. This will have a cascading effect. If this move is processed further, the entire postal staff will oppose it tooth and nail.
Apart from the menacing effect on the department, this move is going to risk public property sent by post to danger. In case of sabotage, destruction, or fraud, how will it be possible to investigate? The private players will not be bound by conduct rules nor can they be tried under CCS (CCA) Rules. At best, the caution money can be forfeited, which will only be a meagre portion of the loss.
We, therefore, request you kindly to nip the move in the bud in the interest of saving the department from continuing suicide and also in the interest of tranquillity.
With high regards,
Yours faithfully,
S.S. Mahadevaiah General Secretary
Copy forwarded with a copy of the e-Tender Notice of the SSP Lucknow to Secretary General NFPE/FNPO/BPEF. We feel that we should meet at the earliest and decide on our move against the menace.
S.S. Mahadevaiah General Secretary

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