Paper I with Books : 23.02.2025- Sunday (10.00 AM to 1.00 PM)Paper II with Books: 23.02.2025- Sunday (2.00 PM to 5.00 PM)
(i) In case qualified officials are available in a particular division but the vacancy is 'Nil' the exam may be held for the Circle but the officials of that division cannot be allowed to appear in the examination.
(ii) In case, in a division the vacancy is 'Nil' and no qualified officials are available, the examination may be held for a single token vacancy.
7. Divisional Heads are requested to check/ensure the availability of qualified accountants/The vacancy position in Division, before permitting the candidates to appear for the said examination and issue hall permits.
8. Eligible willing candidates may submit their applications to the appropriate authority before the prescribed date.
9. It may ensure that this notification is circulated among all officials including those on leave/deputation/foreign service training etc.
10. The cases of candidates who have obtained exemption in any of the papers in two earlier examinations will be regulated under Directorate instructions contained in letter No. 9- 2/89-SPB-II dated 17.01.1990.
11. The application form is enclosed in Annexure-II. The last date for submission of duly filled applications by the eligible candidates to the Division/Units is 24.01.2025. Officials should submit their applications to their Divisional/Unit Head in the Proforma enclosed.
12. On receipt of the same, at Division/Unit the forwarding authorities should carefully check the application of each candidate to ensure that the official fulfills the prescribed eligibility conditions.
13. The Divisional Heads will prepare and send Proforma-1 (recommended cases), Proforma -II (Not recommended cases) to Circle Office along with applications on or before 31.01.2025 in one batch with necessary recommendations. The Circle Office will intimate the details of candidates permitted in the Proforma-1 and not permitted candidates in the Proforma -II on or before 07.02.2025 and make arrangements for issue of the hall tickets to the candidates accordingly through Divisions. The Roll Numbers may be assigned by the Circle office. In respect of CO units, list of candidates permitted will be decided by Circle Office. The applications in respect of Circle Office units may be forwarded to Circle Office along with Proforma-1 & Proforma-II.
14.The applicants should enclose two passport size photos with their application. While forwarding the applications with Proforma-1 & II, the photo affixed on the application should be duly attested by the Divisional Head and other photo should be retained at Divisional level itself, for issuing hall permits.
15.All the applications received at Divisional level should be duly date stamped and should be sent together with consolidated statement of application.
16.The last date for receipt of application is 24.01.2025 in Divisional office and 31.01.2025 in Circle Office. The target date fixed for the receipt of the application at various levels should he strictly adhered to.
17.After the receipt of approval from the Circle Office, The Divisional Heads will issue Hall Permits. He/She should ensure that the photo is affixed in the hall permit and is duly attested by him/her before dispatching it to the candidates. The schedule of activity as furnished below may be strictly adhered to:
Issue of notification 07.01.2025Last date for receipt of applications at Divisional Office 24.01.2025
Last date for receipt of applications at Circle Office 31.01.2025
Report to submitted to Circle Office regarding permitted/not 07.02.2025
permitted candidates by Division Office
Issue of Admit cards to permitted candidates
Date of Examination
Timings of Examination
Paper-I: 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM Paper-II: 02.00 PM to 05.00 PM
This notification may be given wide publicity amongst all employees in Divisions/Units.
This notification is also available on the Departmental website i.e. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
1.Annexure-II (Application Form)
2.Annexure-I (Syllabus)
Copy to:-
- Assistant Director (Staff & Vig.) 0/0 Chief Postmaster General, Uttarakhand Circle, Dehradun
- The Director (DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 for information in reference to Directorate's communication No.A-34012/03/2024-DE dated 16th April 2024.
- The General Manager, CEPT Mysore, Karnataka-57010, in order to upload the above notification on indiapost website (i.e.
Download PO & RMS Accountant Notification in PDF from CEPT
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